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Manifold Resolution

Introducing the multiverse of Electric/organic music that is Manifold Resolution.

A polychromatic synthesis of beats, vox and horns, painting with wavelengths and sculpting with frequencies. This party of performers brings the stage to life with sonorous vocals, soaring saxophone, pounding percussion, bottomless bass and ferocious poetry fired with sensational zeal. This band will get the crowd jumping and the heart thumping. 

Mr. Manifold mixes it up on the decks and away in the studio, constructing the basis for back beats that are the back-bone of this multidimensional sound. 

Lady Renoir fronts with a voice that is at times provocative and seductive and at times thunderous and elemental.  Her lyrics are inventive and her delivery is captivating.

Tama Brightwell adds textures and timbres with his powerful percussion.  His cool onstage persona keeps the temperature from blazing.

Dandelion Jackson brings the saxophone to the Manifold Resolution experience.  Between bursts of brilliant horn lines and slick solos, she sinks to swampy vocals and piquant prose. 

